Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Open for Business

Welcome to the blog for the annual WritersUA Software User Assistance Conference. While the conference itself is still a few weeks away, I wanted to get going on this blog, if for no other reason that to hope that it might convince a few more people to attend. I plan to update this blog regularly during the days of the conference, but even the bits and pieces here are no substitute for being there.

I try to prevent bias from creeping into my writing and reporting, but I can say that the WritersUA conference is one of the best I've ever attended, chock full of useful information. Even though I've gone every year since it began, there is always more new and useful information available than I have time to learn about. (If only I could clone myself.)

Before I go any further, I should make it clear that this is not an official conference publication. That said, it will contain information about what's going on at the conference. I'll post breaking news, tidbits about sessions, photos, and more. Maybe even a little dirt. If you can't make it to Long Beach this year, you'll be able to follow along a bit, and perhaps this will help you recognize what you're missing and find a way to make it next year, wherever it may be. I'm not kidding when I say that, if you're a technical writer on any level, the information you get here is the best you'll fond anywhere outside of a full-fledged degree program.

My plans are to be online during all the sessions I attend, taking notes and posting as the conference progresses. I believe you can sign up for a RSS feed to get notices about when new posts are available.

I want to add, too, that this conference is, at least for me, about more than just learning tons of useful stuff. I also get to see many of the people I know and respect, people who are experts in so many areas, people such as Char James-Tanny, Dave Gash, Joe Welinske, Scott Boggan, Matthew Ellison, Jared Spool, Dana Worley, and so many, many more who are not only a pleasure just to spend time with, but who work their, uh, assets off in this field and who share freely of their expertise. I leave every year not only with more knowle3dge than when I arrived, but I leave also inspired and energized, wanting to do mo, be more, and reach for the heights that they have already achieved.

It's not too late to sign up and attend (even if the early registration discounts have expired), and it's easy at the WritersUA web site. I really hope to see you there, and if not this year, in future years.

Meanwhile, keep your browser tuned here. There will be occasional updates before the conference begins, and then the Big Show starts on March 25.