Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hump day

Yeah, I know that Wednesday is the traditional "hump day. But with a three(plus) day conference, "hump day" to me is the middle day. And today is typically also the longest day.

I actually got the newsletter finished a printed earlier last night; I was done by 10:20. Got back to my hotel and was about to turn in when the TV announcer mentioned that up next was an episode of South Park. And it turned out to be one of the better, older episodes. So sleep got postponed.

I'm not quite as alert as I might be following two days of short sleep, but it's no bad. The whole morning was listening to Dave Gash talk about using CSS do a lot of cool stuff. Not only listening, but it was a two-part hands-on session, and I got to wrangle with some of the CSS myself.

I want to make sure I give props to Sue Heim, who for the second year now has volunteered to copyedit the newsletter. Her generosity--she's even come to the conference office for a bit the past couple of nights to do some in-person editing--is more than what I can simply thank here.

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