Monday, March 26, 2007

It's here! And so am I.

I'm sitting in the Regency A/B Ballroom at the Long Beach Hyatt right now, waiting for Joe Welinske to deliver his introductory remarks and get this year's conference started. I was not able to even get Internet access here until last night, and when I did, it was inexplicably intermitent, very frustrating.

Another frustration was, while I loved how the first edition of this year's newsletter came out, produced by my spanking new HP color LaserJet printer, the doggone thing eas toner like there is no tomorrow. The black cartridge is rated for 2500 pages and the color for 2000, yet I printed jus 300 (double-sided) copies and the black and cyan cartridges are more than half depleted. This is going to be a bit of a budget buster.

It's been great seeing all the fun familiar faces: Char, Dave, Sue, Joe, and more. I heard that Dave got sick yesterday, so he was out of sight. We'll see how he's doing at his Fab FAQs session I'm attenting at 10:45.

Staying at the Hilton instead of the Hyatt and saving about $100/night for my company was a good idea, except that I didn't think it would be that bad to walk back and forth. But I didn't get finished printing the newsletter until 11pm, much later than I had planned, and it was a tiring walk. Today, I decided to drive the admittedly short distance and pay for parking here at the Hilton. Besides, I'm going to have to figure out a way to slip out and get another set of toner cartridges sometime today.

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